When my days pass away in gloom.
My soul seeks your company...
It finds solace,
In your silent waving
In the turn of your caring heads...
I find myself drowning – drowning into
A world of green and cool...
Oh... holy beings!!!
When the breeze weaves
Between your leaves,
My ears find an unearthly call
A song,that caresses the wounds of my soul.
Oh... lovely lives!
When I lay my head,
Upon your rough barks,
I feel myself wrapped in mother's arms.
There is life in your slender boughs,
Spirit in your tender leaves.
The fragrance of your flowers,
The juice of your fruits,
They feed my soul.
Like the invisible strength
That holds you upright – on the ground.
I wonder how,
When there is so much life in you,
Why one cannot feel the pain
When you are
Ruthlessly slain???