
The Voice

  Voice is a form of human expression that brings out the human feelings, the human needs, the human urge and the human in human being…

 Any means by which you make a point or make yourself understood is- The Voice.

 This is my voice… from where I will speak for the truth and humanity, from where I will voice against injustice and evil, from where I will be heard…

 At this moment, I feel rejoiced at the fact that a suppressed nation has made itself heard all over the world triumphantly - the year old nation of Egypt. Valiant Egyptians have sent out their voice against the injustice that has been clutching them down. This feat has been achieved immensely by through the new media. Writing a blog, at this moment of history makes me feel the pulse of the voices-heard and unheard all over the world…

 I hope “The Voice” could be heard by many out there…

 “Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about things that matter…”
–Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.
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